Don't super size it - or yourself!

I'm sure you've heard of the 2004 documentary Super Size Me starring Morgan Spurlock, an American filmmaker.  Spurlock's film follows a 30-day period during which he eats only McDonald's food.  As a result, the then-32-year-old Spurlock gained 24½ lbs., a 13% body mass increase, a cholesterol level of 230, and experienced  mood swings, sexual dysfunction and fat accumulation to his liver. It took him fourteen months to lose the weight gained from his experiment.  And that was just only 30 days.  Imagine what years of this would have done to his body. 

Is this to say that you should never eat fast food?  As with everything else, moderation is key.  However, if you find yourself eating fast food once a day, it's probably not going to get you the health and fitness results you want.  Like it or not, obesity truly is an epidemic in this country.  Two-thirds of U.S. adults are considered obese and twenty percent of our children are as well.  And the number keeps climbing year after year.  Adults who are obese are more likely to have children that are obese - over 80%.  It's no wonder more and more cases of type-2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, sleep deprivation, and depression are increasing.  Obesity is an epidemic that slowly kills.  It does not come on quick like cancer; it slowly builds and builds until one day it's too late. And even though you may not be considered obese, I guarantee a loved one close to you is. 

However, there is good news.  Unlike most diseases and illnesses, obesity does have a cure.  It's called proper nutrition and exercise.  And, to top it off, the cure can begin right now!  There's only one catch.  You have to decide to want the cure.  If you think you have time and decide to put off today what you can do tomorrow, or that you are immune to the effects of obesity, or even death, just ask yourself one question.  Who do you want to see go first, you or them?  Let the trend of obesity end with you - today.  Contact me at  Let's find a cure that works best for your time, money, and motivation. 

A perfect metaphor for life.

Time to get back on the blogging horse.  It's be sporadic the last month or so, partly due to two illnesses (strep throat and a virus) and just a hectic schedule at the house.  However, I am making it my commitment to blog weekly, even if no one reads this.  At least it's a way to clear the mind.  And I promise that it won't be random thoughts to bore you, but words that will hopefully inspire you to start or continue with your health and fitness journey and endeavors.  Life will continually knock us down, but we need to get back up keep making forward progress.

Let me give you a little insight as to how life has been throwing me a few curveballs lately.  I began training for a marathon a few weeks ago.  Day one, as I posted earlier, went fantastic.  I felt great and I ran great.  Day two, however, sucked.  I had a pain in my left foot just below the ankle.  It hurt to walk on for a few days.  Did I go to the doctor?  Nope.  I'm a guy.  No blood, no bone sticking out, no problem .  Well, it was a little bit of an issue turns out.  Four days later I took my shoe off to stretch out that foot and I heard a pop.  Apparently something was out of place in my foot.  I even felt what I think was a bone pop back into place.  Scared me at first, but I was instantly cured.  Seriously.  Foot feel fantastic seconds after that happened.  So what did I do?  Being a guy, I ran the next day.  Felt good again.  In fact, I was cruising along well enough that I ran on the balls of my feet the entire time.  Apparently my calves didn't agree with that decision because the next four days they decide to be sore and tight.  On the disabled list again.  Today was the first day I felt good enough to run.  Guess what?  My groin decided to take the day off. Seriously?  I'm only 34!  And the pain is slowly making it's way up my body.  Lord knows what might happen when it gets to my head. 

Pretty soon I should be good at hitting curve balls, I hope.  That's been my life these past two months.  But, I'm going to keep after it.  And whatever curve balls are coming your way, keep trying to smack them.  Sooner or later, life will stop throwing junk at us and will throw a nice, slow pitch right down the middle.  My homerun will come soon, and I hope yours does too.