
All of us come to the crossroad of beginning something new or continuing with our same routine, especially when it comes to exercise and nutrition.  And most of us will at some point venture down "Exercise Road" or "Diet Lane", but we veer off, take a detour, or turn around completely.  Why?  It's simple - lack of motivation and accountability.

Have you ever made a  New Year's resolution to eat better, start working out, or begin a diet?  Yep, me too.  Guess what?  About 90% of us that make those resolutions never achieve them.  That's a fact.  But it's time to change that - and you!  There are two things you need in order to find success in whatever you do: motivation AND accountability.  The two go hand in hand.


This is the driving force by which humans achieve their goals.  And it can be intrinsic or extrinsic.  It's usually not an issue to find it or get it, but it's certainly hard to keep it.  If you want to find true success in whatever you do, you need to figure out your "why".  Why are you doing it?  Why is it important to you?  Why do you have to have it?  Once you define you "why", write it down.  This is huge!  But don't just write it down and never look at it again.  Post it where you can see it - everyday.  If you see it, you'll be it.  Simple as that.  So dig deep for your "why".  Take some time to really think about your reason and write it down in as much detail as you can.  Be specific and truly define what you want.


Motivation will eventually fade without accountability. In fact, it's probably the single most important factor when finding success with anything.  The key with accountability is a relationship.  You see, accountability is an account-giving relationship between individuals.  It cannot exist without proper accounting practices.  Simply put, there must be two parties sharing information - documented information.  Sounds pretty intense and boring, right?  It's not, I promise.  If you want to achieve your goal, you must tell someone or something what you are physically doing to get there.  Here is my suggestion when it comes to accoutability - get a Team Beachbody account (below).

If you want to find success, it comes down to motivation and accountability. And more importantly, it comes down to sharing your goals with someone and not going on the journey alone.  If you need someone to hold you accountable or keep you motivated, I'd love to be your coach.  It's completely FREE.  I'm just here as a sounding board and someone that can give you advice when you feel stuck or need some energy and inspiration.  It's time to put things in motion.  I know you can do it!  Please let me know how I can help.

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