Well, I finally made it back here. It's been a whirlwind the past two weeks. First, my lovely 3 year-old passed on his strep throat to me. Then, a week later, I got a stomach virus which put me out of commission for six days (I lost almost ten pounds).
But here I am again, and I gearing up for my next adventure. If there is one thing I suggest for eveyone, it's to make your own Bucket List. You know, the list of things you want to accomplish before you leave this world. Here are a few of the things on my list:
Fly a plane (Done)
Write a movie script
Learn to play the guitar
Run a marathon
Well, did the first one, and getting ready to start the last one. I've committed to running the inaugural St. Louis Rock and Roll Marathon in October. This means I begin my base training next week. I'm looking to get a solid running distance set before the actually marathon training starts in June. I'd like to be able to run 8 miles without a problem. I can do about 4 now before my ankles and shins start to hurt. I'll be hitting up Fleet Feet for a new set of kicks on Friday, so that should help. If you'd like to join me on this adventure, I could always use a running partner.
So I encourage you to make your list and pick one thing to cross off this year. Dream big and then go big!
Two months down, ten to go. What have you done so far?
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