It's Saturday, I've been off work for two days because of the snow, and I'm cooped up in my house. Time for a new post. My previous messages have described ways to help you succeed in achieving your health and fitness goals. I've also pointed out some resources that should help you begin. There's one problem though...many of you have not begun. This year is already 22 days old. Three weeks down, 49 to go. I'm sure some of you have actually thought about working out or eating better. I know one guy that actually put together a Total Gym, then put it away because it was taking up too much room.
If you know me well enough you know that I'm not one to beat around the bush or sugar coat anything. Some of you will hear this message and think I'm nuts. Some of you will like the message, but do nothing. And a select few of you will become ignited and begin your revolution. If 99 people read this and get pissed-off and offended, but 1 decides to start his or her journey to a healthier and happier lifestyle, it was worth it.
It's time for a "Come to Jesus" chat. No more pulling punches; no more gentle nudging and prodding. There's a big issue on our hands that will not be going away anytime soon. It's time to end the trend right now. Bear with me, as my juices are flowing. This could be a bumpy ride.
Let's talk about your weight. Yeah, I know, touchy subject, but so what. Are you happy with your current situation? Unless you are an overpaid actor or athlete who can actually afford a personal trainer, your own chef/nutritionist, and you have more than 2 hours a day to devote to working out, my guess is that there might be some room for improvement - myself included. And if you are an overpaid actor or athlete, and you are reading my blog, I have two questions for you...1) Sweet, who are you by the way? and 2) Can I get some free tickets?
Now that we've established that we can all improve in this area, let's talk about some startling statistics, which will blow your mind. Experts suggest that 75 percent of Americans will be overweight by the year 2015, and 41 percent of that group will be obese. Twenty-five percent of those looking to enlist the military are denied because they are too obese to pass the fitness test. The Census Bureau recently released statistics on the average life expectancy of Americans. For the first time in decades that number has declined. We now see children who are obese at a rate of 20 to 30%, a figure that was close to zero only a few decades ago. In fact, they are projected to be the first generation not to outlive their parents. The painful truth is that Americans are getting fatter and fatter, and we are to blame. It costs the U.S. $450 billion a year. In addition to medical costs, businesses deal with the costs of employees missing work, lower productivity, and short-term disability. Those who are obese pay for it with more than just their health. They spend more money on food, plus-size clothing, out-of-pocket health care costs and weight-loss solutions that don't work.
Last night my 3 year-old wanted to go to Pizza Street, the place with every pizza concoction known to man. I'm not a big fan of this place, mostly because it's a heart-attack buffet for the price of $3.99. So of course, we take him. And I partake in the yummy goodness as well. But as I look to my right, I see a family with two boys, maybe around the ages of 10-12, and the kids each have a plate with nine, yes, nine pieces of pizza stacked up. My wife and I look at each other like "Holy Crap!" These ain't no small kids neither. My guess is that this was just their first round. At that moment I had a little "Come to Jesus" talk with myself. If I can not and will not practice what I preach, this trend of obesity will never end. It starts with me. And hopefully ends with you. So if you are ever with me, and see me eating something like this or worse, swat it out of my hand, slap me in the noggin' and berate me like that drill sergeant in the Geico commercial and call me a "Jackwagon."
Here's the deal. Weight loss isn't easy. Don't believe some of those things you see and hear. There is no magic pill or drop you can take, there are no supplements that burn fat, and those Ab machines you see on t.v. are nothing more than a place to hang some clothes on. If losing weight were easy, everyone would be lean and slender. Losing weight comes down to math. Did you consume more calories than you burned today? If yes, you put of weight. If no, you lost weight. So whatever you are doing at this moment with your nutrition and exercise, if it ain't working then stop doing it!
I've ranted on enough for today. And I'm upset with myself for eating that crap last night. Please don't feel as if I'm on my soapbox telling you what to do as I do the opposite. Tomorrow will be the second piece to this discussion. We'll talk about a specific idea and system to help all of us end this trend of obesity. No more generalization and no more hoping that today will be different than yesterday. Thanks for reading.
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