My better half

When it comes to improving your health and fitness, exercise is only half the battle.  In fact, it might be only 20-30% the battle.  The single most important thing when it comes to improving your health, losing weight, lowering cholesterol, etc., is the food you put in your mouth.  Nutrition drives your results.

Think of it this way.  Food is like the gas you put in your car.  It doesn't matter how big of engine your have, if your car does not have the proper fuel or enough fuel, you ain't going nowhere.  Same with nutrition and exercise.  It doesn't matter how much exercise you do (the engine), if you are not eating correctly (the gas), your results go nowhere. 

I've achieved my results partly because of my exercise regimen, but mostly because of my diet.  And I use the term diet loosely.  It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle.  Diets do not work.  Diets imply there is an end.  A conscious choice of eating the right food at the right time more accurately describes what I do.  To me, food serves a purpose.  It provides the proper nutrients and energy that my body needs to achieve the results I want.  Would a Big Mac and fries taste good?  Hell yes!  Will it help me to achieve my results?  Say it with me - Hell no!  Living a long, healthy, medication-free life is what I strive for.  I use that to drive my choices.

If there is one book that you need to read this year, make it The Slight Edge.  There's powerful stuff in there.  A concept that is used over and over is compound interest.  We all know that in the business world, compound interest is a beautiful thing.  It's how money grows, and grows quickly.  Essentially, take a penny today, and double that tomorrow.  Then double it the next day, and the next day, for an entire month.  Want to guess how much you'd have after 30 days?  Almost $5.5 million.  No kidding.  How does that relate to your health and nutrition?  Think about eating right for a day.  Then again the next day, and so on.  How good would you feel after 30 days? Six months?  A year?  Same thing. 

What would happen if you didn't double the money on day six, twelve, eighteen, or twenty-four?  You'd still have made good money, to the tune of $671,000.  But is that $5.5 million.  Nope.  Just missing four days in that month cost you almost $5 million.  What about your nutrition?  What if you don't eat the right food one day of the month?  Probably no big deal.  How about one day of the week?  Still okay I guess.  Now, compound that.  Eat wrong one day a week for a year.  That's 52 meals.  Do that for the next 50 years and that's 2,600 meals.  And that's just eating unhealthy for just one day a week.  Miss two days a week and you've just doubled it to 5,200.  Imagine the results you would have if those hundreds and thousands of meals were healthy and nutritious.  Your body works overtime to process and digest unhealthy substances.  It eventually takes a toll on your body.  What you do today may not matter at the end of the week, and you may not see the results immediately, but compound it and....well, I guess you can do it to find out if you want.  Or you can decide otherwise, and make smarter choices, which lead to feeling better, looking better, and living better. 

I know I promised to talk about Shakeology,  But I thought I should set the tone before I introduced you to something that will rock your world.  Later today, or tomorrow, I will reveal the real secret to my success.  It's the single most important thing I consume each and every day.  And you'll see why you should to.

Enjoy your Saturday.

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