P90X, Insanity and Decision-making

Well, started week 2 today.  Feeling pretty good. It's amazing how fast your body recovers to where you left off (I took a 4 month hiatus during coaching season). The first week was a little rough, but today I'm almost back to the point where I left off in regards to the reps and weight used.  And below you'll see my charts.  Down body fat percentage (hey, down is down) and up in weight.  Hopefully this trend continues and I'll be trading fat for lean muscle. 

Enough about me.  Let's get more on board the fit train.  If you are like me, you keep putting things off until tomorrow.  And then you slowly creep up to the point of almost starting something, but you look, research, read, listen to, and gather up just about every ounce of information you can before you make that commitment.  I love the Beachbody credo - Decide, Commit, Succeed.  The single hardest part of starting anything, whether a workout, a job search, a relationship, or buying a car, is making the decision.  We all have that little part of our gut that tells us to not sign on the dotted line for fear of making a wrong decision.  For you husbands out there - ever go shopping for paint colors with the wife?  Exactly.  For your wives out there - ever go car shopping and wonder why we have to try out every little gadget inside the car?  Exactly.
The point is this...it's time to start producing results and not excuses.  I'm more guilty than anyone of this, by far.  But I decided I needed to commit again to my health and fitness.  Which is why I'm posting my weekly workout results and periodically my food journal.  It's time to be held accountable.  And hopefully I can count on you to help me with that.

Let me give you an example of how I've been recently encountering this at work.  I work as a high school college counselor, meaning I help students with the college process.  And these past few weeks seniors have had to decide which school they are attending . I've had numerous sit down in my office and say to me, "I've been admitted to X, Y, and Z.  Which one should I choose?"  Right, like I'm going to pick.  They are so worried about choosing the wrong school, but I reassure them that if they went through the process correctly, and did their research before applying, then any choice is the right choice.  And it usually comes down to this one little statement for them.  If you went home right now and posted on your Facebook account that you were attending X, Y, or Z, which one makes you smile the most.  Sometimes tough decisions don't need to be so tough.  So if you have been on the fence regarding a workout regimen, diet plan, new pair of shoes, or flat screen tv, let's get the ball rolling.  I'm throwing it to you now.  Comment to the blog with what decisions are holding you up.  You'd be amazed at how quickly one can make a decision once the discussion is out there. 

Let me know how I can help.  Thanks for reading and have a great week!

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